Friday, August 3, 2012


Hi I'm Amy. 

Almost every day I have a "I'd like to write about that on my ((non-existant)) blog" moment, so I decided I'd better finally get one started. 

My husband Ricky and I have been married for 8 years and we have 5 children ages 7 & under. Ricky works as an EMT for a private ambulance company. I am thankful to be at home with our children full time. 

We are Christians, and are so grateful that we have the blessing & honor to walk through this life knowing the God who created us:

John 10:10b is my life verse for our family. Abundant Life-that's the kind of life I want to have!

I welcome you to join our family as we journey in life--more fully understanding what living Life Abundantly is all about. 

Here you'll get a glimpse into my brain, our home, our family, and our hearts. 


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