Thursday, August 9, 2012

Works For Us

When our first child, Maria, was born, I remember standing in the hospital room thinking "shouldn't they give us a manual for this?" I was amazed that they were going to send us home with this wee little one, to just figure out how to take care of her on our own. It was so much responsibility with no real training, a very lofty burden for a new mom & dad.

The same is true when you graduate college, get married, or in a million other seasons/parts of life. It'd be great to just have a book to open and "bam" find all the answers. But instead we go through life, finding some things that work for us, and tons others that don't.

For part of this blog I'd like to encourage others by simply sharing things we've found that work for us.

Many of them are going to be simple objects that just make things easier around the house, with the kiddos, etc. Others might be routines, how we've handled situations, or just some things that are fun!

Having 5 kids in 6 years, we've kind of had a whirlwind of things to figure out. We totally don't have it all figured out (no where close), but I know I definitely love it when someone shares a super idea with me. Who doesn't like to be encouraged?

I Thessalonians 5:11
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are."

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